Skill Immigration British Columbia(B.C)

Skilled Worker

British Columbia’s growing economy needs skilled and experienced workers. The Skilled Worker stream is a way for workers in a professional, management, technical, trade or other skilled occupation to gain permanent residence in B.C.


Flag of Canada.


To qualify for this stream, you must:

  • have accepted a full-time, indeterminate job offer (the job offer must not be temporary or have a defined end date) from a B.C. employer. The job must be in a skilled occupation  (NOC TEER 0, 1, 2, or 3)  
  • be qualified to perform the duties of the job
  • have a minimum of two years of full-time (or full-time equivalent) work experience in any skilled occupation (NOC TEER 0, 1, 2, or 3)
  • show you can support yourself and your dependants
  • have, or be eligible for, legal immigration status in Canada
  • for NOC TEER 2 or 3 occupations, meet minimum language requirements
  • have a wage offer in line with B.C. wage rates for the occupation

Your job offer does not need to be indeterminate if it is in an eligible tech occupation, or is in NOC 41200 (university professors and lecturers). Please review the program guide for full information.

To use the Express Entry BC option, you must have an IRCC Express Entry Profile Number and a Job Seeker Validation Code and meet the federal minimum language requirements. These indicate that you meet the eligibility criteria for one of the federal economic immigration programs subject to IRCC’s Express Entry system.

Employer Eligibility

Your employer must be willing to support your application and provide supporting documentation. They must meet the eligibility criteria and fulfill certain responsibilities during the application process. View the employer requirements.

Get started

Visit our Documents page for:

  • the Program Guide, which has complete program information, criteria, and requirements. It also includes criteria and information about the Express Entry BC option.
  • the Technical Guide, a self-help tool for registering and applying in the BCPNP Online system

To start the process, please create a profile with our online application and registration system, BCPNP Online. After submitting your registration, you will receive a score based on your information.

We use the information in registrations to rank, select and invite people who best meet the province’s economic needs. Periodically, we invite people to apply through BCPNP Online. Visit the Invitations to Apply page for more information about invitations.

Health Authority

The Health Authority stream gives a permanent residence pathway to people working for a health authority in B.C. If you are a physician, midwife or a nurse practitioner, you may also be eligible to apply under the Health Authority stream.


To qualify for this stream, you must:

have one of the following:

  • a full-time, indeterminate job offer (the job offer must not be temporary or have a defined end date) from a B.C. public health authority
  • a letter from a health authority or midwife practice group that confirms that you are a physician, nurse practitioner, or midwife in British Columbia
  • meet general BC PNP requirements
  • meet the education, training, experience and qualification requirements outlined by the public health authority

To use the Express Entry BC option, you must have an IRCC Express Entry Profile Number and a Job Seeker Validation Code and meet the federal minimum language requirements. These indicate that you meet the eligibility criteria for one of the federal economic immigration programs subject to IRCC’s Express Entry system.

Doctors in hospital

Find a Healthcare Job in B.C.

If you are interested in working for a health authority, please visit the health authorities directly. 

  • Provincial Health Services Authority
  • First Nations Health Authority
  • Fraser Health
  • Interior Health
  • Island Health
  • Northern Health
  • Vancouver Coastal Health
  • Providence Health Care

If you are a healthcare professional, you may wish to contact Health Match BC. They offer free recruitment services for select healthcare professions on behalf of B.C.’s health authorities.

Get started

Visit our Documents page for:

  • the Program Guide, which has complete program information, criteria, and requirements. It also includes a list of health authorities, and criteria and information about the Express Entry BC option.
  • the Technical Guide, a self-help tool for applying in the BCPNP Online system

To start the process, please create a profile with our online application system, BCPNP Online. As a Health Authority applicant, you can apply directly.

Entry Level and Semi-Skilled

The Entry Level and Semi-Skilled stream is a way for workers in select occupations in the  tourism/hospitality, or food processing sectors to gain permanent residence in B.C.


To qualify for this stream, you must:

  • have accepted a full-time, indeterminate job offer (a permanent job, or one with no set end date) from a B.C. employer in the tourism/hospitality, or food processing sector.
  • Your occupation must be on the list of eligible occupations for your sector. All ELSS-eligible occupations are classified as NOC TEER 4 or 5
  • For the Northeast Development Region of B.C., you may apply if you are working in any NOC TEER category 4 or 5  occupation, other than live-in caregivers (NOC 44100)

have been working full-time for your employer for a minimum of nine consecutive months before applying.

  • be qualified to do the job offered to you, including meeting any certification or registration requirements in B.C.
  • be earning a wage in line with B.C. wage rates for the occupation
  • meet minimum language and education requirements
  • show you can support yourself and your dependants
  • have legal immigration status in Canada

Please note that this stream does not have the Express Entry BC option.

Eligible Occupations

Occupations in travel and accommodation

  • 64314 Hotel front desk clerks

Tour and recreational guides and casino occupations

  • 64320 Tour and travel guides
  • 64321 Casino workers
  • 64322 Outdoor sport and recreational guides
  • Occupations in food and beverage service
  • 64300 Maîtres d’hotel and hosts/hostesses
  • 64301 Bartenders
  • 65200 Food and beverage servers
  • 65201 Food counter attendants, kitchen helpers and related support occupations


Cleaners (employed directly by hotels/resorts*)

  • 65210 Support occupations in accommodation, travel and facilities set-up services
  • 65310 Light duty cleaners
  • 65311 Specialized cleaners
  • 65312 Janitors, caretakers and heavy-duty cleaners

Other service occupations (employed directly by hotels/resorts*)

  • 65320 Dry cleaning, laundry and related occupations
  • 65329 Other service support occupations

*For the purposes of the BC PNP, a resort is defined as an accommodation facility that is associated with recreational activities. These activities can include skiing, golfing, boating, fishing, biking, swimming, horseback riding, hiking, nature-based or interpretive tours, etc.

Food processing

  • 94140 Process control and machine operators, food and beverage processing
  • 94141 Industrial butchers and meat cutters, poultry preparers and related workers
  • 94142 Fish and seafood plant workers
  • 94143 Testers and graders, food and beverage processing
  • 95106 Labourers in food and beverage processing

Employer Eligibility

Your employer must be willing to support your application and provide supporting documentation. They must meet the eligibility criteria and fulfill certain responsibilities during the application process. View the employer requirements.

Get Started

Visit our Documents page for:

  • the Program Guide, which has complete program information, criteria, and requirements. It also includes criteria and information about the Express Entry BC option.
  • the Technical Guide, a self-help tool for registering and applying in the BCPNP Online system

To start the process, please create a profile with our online application and registration system, BCPNP Online. After submitting your registration, you will receive a score based on your information.

We use the information in registrations to rank, select and invite people who best meet the province’s economic needs. Periodically, we invite people to apply through BCPNP Online. Visit the Invitations to Apply page for more information about invitations.                                                                                                                                                       

International Graduate

Did you graduate with a valid credential from an eligible Canadian university or college within the last three years? The International Graduate stream may be an option to get permanent residence and stay in B.C.


To qualify for this stream, you must:

  • have completed a degree, diploma or certificate from an eligible post-secondary institution in Canada in the past three years
  • have accepted a job offer from a B.C. employer. The job must be classified as NOC TEER category 1, 2, or 3
  • management occupations (NOC TEER 0) are not eligible under this stream
  • be qualified to work in your occupation in B.C.
  • for NOC TEER 2 or 3 occupations, meet minimum language requirements
  • have a wage offer in line with B.C. wage rates for the occupation
  • show you can support yourself and your dependants
  • have, or be eligible for, legal immigration status in Canada

To use the Express Entry BC option, you must have an IRCC Express Entry Profile Number and a Job Seeker Validation Code and meet the federal minimum language requirements. These indicate that you meet the eligibility criteria for one of the federal economic immigration programs subject to IRCC’s Express Entry system.

For more detailed information regarding eligible degrees, diplomas, and certificates, please review the Program Guide.

Employer Eligibility

Your employer must be willing to support your application and provide supporting documentation. They must meet the eligibility criteria and fulfill certain responsibilities during the application process. View the employer requirements.

Get started

Visit our Documents page for:

  • the Program Guide, which has complete program information, criteria, and requirements. It also includes criteria and information about the Express Entry BC option.
  • the Technical Guide, a self-help tool for registering and applying in the BCPNP Online system

To start the process, please create a profile with our online application and registration system, BCPNP Online. After submitting your registration, you will receive a score based on your information.

We use the information in registrations to rank, select and invite people who best meet the province’s economic needs. Periodically, we invite people to apply through BCPNP Online. Visit the Invitations to Apply page for more information about invitations.

Woman attending online meeting.

International Post-Graduate

If you have recently graduated from an eligible B.C. post-secondary institution with a master’s or doctoral degree, or if you are a PhD candidate at a public B.C. post-secondary institution, you may be eligible for the BC PNP’s International Post-Graduate stream. You do not need a job offer from an employer to apply to this stream. 

Eligible Graduate Degrees

Master’s level programs

You may be eligible to apply to this stream if you completed a master’s degree at a B.C. post-secondary institution in an eligible program in the natural, applied or health sciences disciplines. Please see the BC PNP IPG Programs of Study in Eligible Fields for more information.

Doctoral level programs 

You may be eligible to apply to this stream if you completed a doctoral degree (in any field of study) at a public B.C. post-secondary institution. 

You may also be eligible to apply to this stream if you are a PhD student (in any field of study) at a public B.C. post-secondary institution and if you have been admitted to candidacy.


To qualify for this stream, you must:

  • have obtained eligible graduate-level education from an eligible program of study at a post-secondary institution in B.C. in the last three years
  • have, or be eligible for, legal immigration status in Canada
  • demonstrate that you have the ability and intent to live, work and economically establish in B.C.

Regulatory or professional doctorates, such as Juris Doctor (J.D.) and Doctor of Medicine (M.D.), are not eligible under this stream.

To use the Express Entry BC option, you must have an IRCC Express Entry Profile Number and a Job Seeker Validation Code.

Get started

Visit our Documents page for:

  • the Program Guide, which has complete program information, criteria, and requirements. It also includes criteria and information about the Express Entry BC option
  • the Technical Guide, a self-help tool for applying in the BCPNP Online system

To start the process, please create a profile with our online application system, BCPNP Online. As an International Post-Graduate applicant, you can apply directly.


BC PNP Tech offers skilled workers in select, in-demand tech occupations a pathway to permanent residence. It helps B.C. tech employers recruit and retain international talent when local skilled workers are unavailable.

BC PNP Tech is not a separate stream. It is a series of administrative measures that help skilled tech workers move more quickly and easily through the BC PNP process, including tech-only draws for invitations to apply and a concierge service for employers.

Eligible occupations and job offers

There are select in-demand tech occupations eligible for BC PNP Tech.

You need to choose the BC PNP stream that is right for you, and meet the general and stream requirements:

Skilled Worker (including Express Entry BC option)

International Graduate (including Express Entry BC option)

If you apply with a valid job offer in one of the eligible tech occupations, your job offer must be for at least one year (365 days). The job offer must also have at least 120 days remaining at the time of application to the BC PNP.

Get started

Visit our Documents page for:

  • the Program Guide, which has complete program information, criteria, and requirements. It also includes criteria and information about the Express Entry BC option.
  • the Technical Guide, a self-help tool for registering and applying in the BCPNP Online system


This section provides an overview of the registration and application process for the BC Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP). For complete, up-to-date information and requirements, and help with our BCPNP Online system, please visit our Documents page for the Program Guide and Technical Guide.

  • Stage 1: Registration
  • Stage 2: Invitation
  • Stage 3: Application
  • Stage 1: Registration

Stage 1: Registration

The first step is to create a profile and register in BCPNP Online. By registering, you are expressing interest to apply to the BC PNP. Your registration will be scored based on the information you provide.

You must complete a registration if you are applying under these streams:

  • Skilled Worker (includes Express Entry BC option)
  • International Graduate (includes Express Entry BC option)
  • Entry Level and Semi-Skilled

If you meet the requirements for the Health Authority or International Post-Graduate streams, you do not have to submit a registration. You can apply directly in BCPNP Online.

You will get a registration score based on various factors, and you will be placed in a registration pool for your chosen stream. Your registration will remain active in the pool for up to 12 months, or until you receive an invitation to apply.

Scoring Factors

Your registration will be scored on economic and human capital factors.

Economic Factors:

  • skill level of your occupation
  • wage
  • location in B.C.

Human Capital Factors:

  • work experience
  • education
  • language

Registration is free. A registration is not an application and does not guarantee that you will be invited to apply

You can withdraw your registration at any time if you are no longer interested in applying to the BC PNP. 

How to Register

  • Create an online profile with BCPNP Online
  • Complete all sections of the registration
  • Submit your registration

For a step-by-step self-help tool for registering and applying online, please refer to the Technical Guide. For more information about registrations and how points are awarded, please refer to the Program Guide.

Stage 2: Invitation

Periodically, the BC PNP will invite people who are in the registration pool to submit an application to the BC PNP. Invitations to apply (ITAs) are based on the information provided in registrations. Our ITAs may target one or more specific factors, such as the region of employment or the occupation.

You can find more details about how we issue ITAs in the BC PNP Skills Immigration Program Guide.

Visit the invitations to apply page for more information and recent invitations to apply.

What to Do if You Receive an Invitation

If you are invited to apply, you have up to 30 calendar days from the date of invitation to submit a complete application via BCPNP Online. An application to the BC PNP does not guarantee you will be approved for nomination. You must meet program criteria at the time of registration or application.

If you no longer want to apply to the BC PNP, or you no longer meet the criteria, you should not submit an application. If you no longer meet the criteria, your application may be refused.

Your invitation will expire after 30 days and your registration will be removed from the pool. If you would like to stay in the pool, you must submit a new registration.

Stage 3: Application

If you are eligible for the Health Authority or the International Post-Graduate stream, you can skip the registration stage and apply directly through BCPNP Online.


How to Apply

  • Log into your profile with BCPNP Online
  • Complete all sections of the application
  • Submit your application
  • Pay the application processing fee

For more step-by-step information about applying in BCPNP Online, please refer to the Technical Guide.

What Happens After You Apply

We will assess your application according to the Provincial Immigration Programs Act and Provincial Immigration Programs Regulation and the criteria specific to your stream outlined in the Program Guide. If your application is approved, you will receive a nomination that you can use to apply for permanent residence.

For more information about what to do after you receive a provincial nomination:

  • visit the Nominees page
  • refer to the Post-Nomination Guide 


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